This is admin profile section. Admin can change account details from here. So admin doesn’t need to do this manually from database. In order to do that, Admin will have click on the under arrow beside the profile photo. From there admin will get three different options Edit Profile, Change Password and Logout. From Edit Profile admin can change his account details. From Reset Password Admin can also Update his password. And if admin wants to logout from this panel, he can logout from here by clicking Logout option.
The eCommerce provides a great dashboard to its users. When a user logged in to their admin panel, it would show a wonderful dashboard with Total pending orders, total processing orders, total completed orders, Total number of customer, Total number of products, total posts, Recent customers list, popular products list, Recent Productrs, top referrals, most used OS.
Users will get almost a complete graphical representation of the system from the dashboard.
From Orders option admin will get five more sub-menus – All orders, pending orders, processing orders, completed orders, declined orders.
All Orders:
1: Admin can see all orders listed with customer email, order number, total quantity and total cost. When the admin clicks on the action button it will return options about details, send, track order and delivery status.
2: From the details option admin can see complete details of the specific order, from the send email button admin can send the email, admin can track the order, and admin is able to see delivery status of that specific order.
Pending Orders:
1: Admin can see pending orders list with customer email, order number, total quantity and total cost. When the admin click on the action button it will return options about details, send, track order and delivery status.
2: From the details option admin can see complete details of the specific order, from the send email button admin can send the email, admin can track the order, and admin is able to see delivery status of that specific order.
Processing Orders:
1: Admin can see processing orders list with customer email, order number, total quantity and total cost. When the admin clicks on the action button it will return options about details, send, track order and delivery status.
2: From the details option admin can see complete details of the specific order, from the send email button admin can send the email, admin can track the order, and admin is able to see delivery status of that specific order.
Completed Orders:
1: Admin can see completed orders list with customer email, order number, total quantity and total cost. When the admin clicks on the action button it will return options about details, send, track order and delivery status.
2: From the details option admin can see complete details of the specific order, from the send email button admin can send the email, admin can track the order, and admin is able to see delivery status of that specific order.
Declined Orders:
1: Admin can see processing orders list with customer email, order number, total quantity and total cost. When the admin clicks on the action button it will return options about details, send, track order and delivery status.
2: From the details option admin can see complete details of the specific order, from the send email button admin can send the email, admin can track the order, and admin is able to see delivery status of that specific orders.
Manage Country
When the user clicks on the Manage Country option, it will return two more options to manage the country issues from here.
1: From this option users can see all the listed country names.
2: Users can easily change the activate and deactivate status of the specific country.
3: Users can manage and set some options for different states.
Manage Tax:
1: From this page user can manage tax and set the tax for different country.
2: This page also shows all the country names with their tax percentage.
Total Earning
From this option users can easily manage and see the total earning using some other sub options- Tax Calculate, Subscription Earning, Withdraw Earning and Commission Earning.
Tax Calculate:
1: Using this option, users can see tax calculation and earnings.
2: Users can find out weekly, daily, monthly data, also users can set any type of date as the user wants.
3: This page shows all the Tax calculations with order number, txn id, tax, tax location, and created date.
Subscription Earning:
1: Using this option, users can see subscription calculation and earning.
2: Users can find out weekly, daily, monthly data, and users can set any types of date as user want.
3: This page shows all the subscription calculations with user name, txn id, tax, subscription name and created date.
Withdarw Earning:
1: Using this option, users can see withdrawal calculation and earning.
2: User can find out weekly, daily, monthly data, also user can set any types of date as the user wants.
3: This page shows all the withdrawal calculations with user name, withdrawal earning and created date.
Commission Earning:
1: Using this option, users can see commission calculation and earning.
2: User can find out weekly, daily, monthly data, also users can set any types of date as the user wants.
3: This page shows all the commission calculation with order number, txn id, commission earning and created date.
Manage Categories
When admin clicks on the manage category option it will return three more options- main category, sub category and child category.
Main Category:
1: Admin can see all the main categories from the main category option, this page return name, slug, attributes option, status, and edit, delete option.
2: From this page admin can add a new main category.
3: Admin can create new attributes for particular categories.
4: Admin can manage specific attributes.
5: Admin can change the attributes activated and deactivated.
6: Admin can edit the category from the edit option.
7: Admin can delete the category using the delete option.
Sub Category:
1: Admin can see all the sub categories from the sub category option, this page return name, slug, attributes option, status, and edit, delete option.
2: From this page admin can add a new sub category.
3: Admin can create new attributes for particular categories.
4: Admin can manage specific attributes.
5: Admin can change the attributes activated and deactivated.
6: Admin can edit the category from the edit option.
7: Admin can delete the category using the delete option.
Child Category:
1: Admin can see all the child categories from the child category option, this page return name, slug, attributes option, status, and edit, delete option.
2: From this page admin can add a new child category.
3: Admin can create new attributes for particular categories.
4: Admin can manage specific attributes.
5: Admin can change the attributes activated and deactivated.
6: Admin can edit the category from the edit option.
7: Admin can delete the category using the delete option.
There are some options about products, when admin clicks on products it will return 4 more options- Add new product, All products, Deactivate Products and Product Catalog.
Add new Product:
1: When the admin clicks on the add new product option it will return a page for adding a new product.
2: It will return an page with the form for adding products.
All Products:
1: Admin can see all the products from this option, with the name, type, stock price and activated and deactivated status.
2: Also, Admin can add new products from this page.
3: Admin can activate and deactivate the product using the status option.
4: From the action button admin will get 5 more options- edit, view gallery, remove catalog, highlight and delete.
5: When admin click on edit, admin can edit the product details.
6: Admin can see all the pictures, videos about that specific product from the view gallery option.
7: Admin can remove catalog from remove catalog option.
8: Admin can highlight the product from the highlight option.
9: Admin can delete the specific product from the delete button.
Deactivated Products :
1: Admin can see deactivated products from this option with the option of name, type, stock, price and status.
2: From the status option admin can activate and deactivate that product.
3: From the action button admin will get 5 more options- edit, view gallery, remove catalog, highlight and delete.
4: When admin click on edit, admin can edit the product details.
5: Admin can see all the pictures, videos about that specific product from the view gallery option.
6: Admin can remove catalog from remove catalog option.
7: Admin can highlight the product from the highlight option.
8: Admin can delete the specific product from the delete button.
Product Catalogs:
1: admin can see product catalogs from this option with the option of name, type, stock, price and status.
2: From the status option admin can activate and deactivate that product.
3: From the action button admin will get 5 more options- edit, view gallery, remove catalog and highlight.
4: When admin click on edit, admin can edit the product details.
5: admin can see all the pictures, videos about that specific product from the view gallery option.
6: admin can remove catalog from remove catalog option.
7: admin can highlight the product from the highlight option.
Product Settings:
1: Admin can activated/deactivated products stock number. Admin can set product wholse sell max quantity.
Home Page Section1: Admin can set number of flash deal products to be displayed.
2: Admin can set number of hot products to be displayed.
3: Admin can set number of new products to be displayed.
4: Admin can set number of sell products to be displayed.
5: Admin can set number of best seller products to be displayed.
6: Admin can set number of popular products to be displayed.
7: Admin can set number of top rated products to be displayed.
8: Admin can set number of big save products to be displayed.
9: Admin can set number of trending products to be displayed.
Category Page Section1: Admin can set number of products per page to be displayed.
Product Details Page Section1: Admin can set number of product by seller to be displayed. Admin can activated/deactivated Display contact seller.
Wishlist Page Section1: Admin can set number of products per page to be displayed.
Catalog & Filter Section1: Admin can set minimum price.
2: Admin can set maximum price.
Affiliate Products
Admin can see affiliate products from the Admin panel. When the admin clicks on affiliate products it will show two options- add affiliate products and all affiliate products.
Add Affiliate Product:
When admin click on Add affiliate product option, then it will return a page with lots of options for adding the affiliate product.
All Affiliate Products:
1: If the admin clicks on all affiliate products, then it will redirect a page with all affiliate products along name, type, stock, price, status, and options.
2: From the status option admin can activate and deactivate that product.
3: From the action button admin will get 5 more options- edit, view gallery, remove catalog, highlight and delete
4: When admin click on edit, admin can edit the product details.
5: Admin can see all the pictures, videos about that specific product from the view gallery option.
6: Admin can remove catalog from remove catalog option.
7: Admin can highlight the product from the highlight option.
8: Admin can delete the specific product from the delete button.
Bulk Product Upload
Admin can add multiple products from this option. Also, admin can download sample CSV.
Product Discussion
Admin can see product reviews, comment about particular products and reports from this option.
Product Reviews:
1: Admin can see the particular products review from this page along with product name, reviewer name, review and options for details and delete.
2: Admin can see the detailed information for that specific review.
3: Admin can delete the product review from here.
4: Admin can search the review from this page.
1: Admin can activate and deactivate the product report option from this page.
2: Admin can see the product name, reporter name, title, data & time and option.
3: Admin can see the detailed information for that specific comment.
4: Admin can delete the product comment from here.
5: Admin can search the comment from this page.
Set Coupons
1: Admin can set coupons using this admin panel.
2: When the admin clicks on the Set Coupons option it will redirect to a page. This page returns with a list of coupons code, type, amount, used times, activate and deactivate option.
3: Admin can edit and delete coupons from this page.
4: Also, admin is able to create new coupons for customers.
Admin can see and manage all the detailed information about customers from this option. When admin click on customers option it will show three options- Customer list, withdraws and customer default image.
Customer List:
1: When the admin clicks on the customer list it will return a page with all the customers list along with name, email, and different options.
2: There is an option for details, when the admin clicks on this option it will return all the information about that specific customer.
3: Admin can edit the customers from the edit option.
4: Admin can send email from the email option.
5: Admin can turn the block and unblock option from this panel.
6: Also, the admin can delete the particular customer.
1: Admin can see particular customer withdraws using this admin panel. When admin click on withdraws it will redirect to a page with email, phone, amount, method, withdrawal date, pending or done status and some mandatory action like details, accept and reject.
2: When the admin clicks on details it will return the whole information about that withdrawal.
3: Admin can Accept and Reject the withdrawals by this panel.
Customer Deafult Image:
Admin can manage the default customer image from this option. This image will be displayed if the user do not upload profile picture.
Customer Deposit
Admin can see and manage all the Customer Deposit from this option. Admin can see the details of customer deposits.
Completed Deposits:
When the admin clicks on the Completed Deposits it will return a page with all the Completed Deposits list along with different options.
Pending Deposits:
When the admin clicks on the Pending Deposits it will return a page with all the Pending Deposits list along with different options.
When the admin clicks on the Transaction it will return a page with all the transaction list along with different options.
admin can see and manage all the detailed information about vendors from this option. When the admin clicks on the vendor option it will show four more options- Vendor list, withdraws, Vendor Subscription and default background.
Vendor List:
1: When admin click on the vendor list it will return a page with all the vendor lists along with store name, vendor email, shop number and different options.
2: There is an option for activating and deactivating the vendor registration.
3: When the admin click on the action option it will return 6 more options- secret login, ask for verification, details, edit, send email and delete.
4: There is an option for details, when the admin click on this option it will return all the information about that specific vendor.
5: admin can edit the vendors from edit option.
6: admin can send email from the send email option.
7: admin can delete the particular vendor.
8: admin can ask that particular vendor for verification.
9: admin can secretly login to that particular vendor’s dashboard using the secret login option.
1: admin can see particular vendor withdraws using this admin panel. When admin click on withdraws it will redirect to a page with email, phone, amount, method, withdrawal date, pending or done status and some mandatory action like details, accept and reject.
2: When the admin clicks on details it will return the whole information about that withdrawal.
3: admin can Accept and Reject the withdrawals by this panel.
1: Admin can activate and deactivate the product comment option from this page.
2: Admin can see the product name, commenter name, comment, and option.
3: Admin can see the detailed information for that specific comment.
4: Admin can delete the product comment from here.
5: Admin can search the comment from this page.