Free E-Learning System Using PHP/MySQLi Nulled Download

E-Learning System is a web-based system that aims to make the role of teachers easier in making their lessons, activities, and quizzes. The function of this is, the teacher can upload his lesson whether it’s a video or a pdf file. He can also set questions of quizzes or activities based on the lesson that he uploaded. The students need to create an account first so they can log-in and they can now view the lesson and take the quiz. And if the student already has an account he/she can access to download and view the videos/pdf files

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These are the following features of the system:
Admin Side

List of Lessons
Upload Lesson
Edit Lesson
Change the File
View Lesson
Delete Lesson

List of Question

Add Question
Edit Question
Delete Question

List of Students
Manage Users

List of Users
Add User
Edit User
Delete User
Student side
Create Account
Login and Logout

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View Lesson
Take Quizzes
Generate Score
Download Lessons

Admin Default Access
Username: admin
Password: admin

Admin url yourdomain/admin

Click here to download


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